Tuesday, February 3, 2009

My duty at Dong Zen Temple during CNY

Tang Tang Tang Tang... Nah, this is my duty during CNY at Dong Zen la, previous posting were those part time and kepo duty.. :p

I've been relocate from Program/Event Group to DJ/Emcee Group. Before I went to see my "DJ Room", I thought it is in somewhere very "koh lok tao", mana tau on the opening day, I saw this and super excited..

I am A Dreamer, dream, dream, always dream to be a LiJay.. haha.. 终于给我日盼夜盼,盼到啦!!super happy.. but on the first day duty, I quite worried and my mouth like keep eating screwsssss... but when it comes to the 3rd day, woohoo... super smooth liao!!

This is the short movie clip they took during the on air time. For your information, this FGS FM is playing whole day, and everybody can hear it in Dong Zen no matter you are in which corner. So, quite worry to say something wrong but no worries... I am ready for it, 有备而来!!

看到吗?未来的小DJ.... got potential oh ~~~


Danny said...

everything is ok.. till i saw the tissue paper on the headphone .. so jatuh kelasssssss.......

jenice said...

hahahha... now we improved liao.. we take other things to wrap it liao.. u see my next posting.. haha..