Tuesday, April 15, 2008

International Musical Composition Quest Malaysia 2008


Finally, the show was end, and glad to be the EMCEE for that night.

This is the first time I hosted an entertainment kind of event, Malaysia final leh.. :p

Before this event, I always dream to be a famous emcee no matter in TV or corporate event.

But after that event, I realized that, this is an uneasy job as emcee require a creative mind and its use up a lot of brain storming. Huh, you can be really "chan" after that.

But I deeply enjoyed. It was a good exposure for me in my life.

This is the biggest event I had, I reckon.

Yup, we announced the result without surpricingly, Teh Vun Cheak from Sabah won the champion, and he will represent Malaysia attend the International Final 2008.

From his performance, we saw a very good example.

He is a christian but joinning Buddhish Musical Composition Quest. Contradicting right?

Music does not differentiate who you are and where you from, I like this phrase.

Well, here are the results for Malaysia Final 2008:

1. 西方 郑雯介 Teh Vun Cheak 30 yrs old

2. 天堂 张仲华 Teo Choon Hua 29 yrs old

3. 小草 钟智树 Chong Hion Hoong 26 yrs old

4. 路 黄国胜 Wong Kon Seng 19 yrs old

5. 家 陈炎章 Tan Yean Chang 37 yrs old

Congratulations !!!! Of course, Champion and 1st runner up will represent Malaysia to International Final 2008, hope you all perform well on June..
P/s: I like my make up on that night, but regret, cause forgot to take picture !!


Unknown said...

who did the make up for u?

no photographer or videoman meh?

jenice said...

Maggie did lo, u know her right??

Got a lot of video (i think 5 video) shooting us, but camera i dont know la.

everytime sure i take photo but this time i missed it, may be i too stressed.. :p

Danny said...

is that green? still in trend meh?

jenice said...

sorry, if i'm not mistaken, it is brown and grey (kua)..

definately not green, i edited this photo, its too dark and i brighten it. hehe...